Massage Parlour in Borivali
Monday - Sunday 10:00 am - 10:00 pm

Massage Parlour in BorivaliOzone Wellness Spa & Massage Borivali

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Why To GoA Massage Parlour

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What To Expect

If you want to find out what a spa is like, you can always ask for a tour before you book an appointment. We will always try to accommodate you, and it's fair to ask

Select Your Spa Treatments

The basic spa treatments are massage, Full Body massage, Oil Massage etc. A massage will help you relax and get rid of muscle tension. (A Swedish massage is a good place for beginners.) A facial is a deep cleansing of your face, and a body treatment exfoliates and softens the skin on your body. We offer manicures and pedicures as well.

Before You Go

Don't eat for at least an hour before or after your massage. Drink plenty of water after your service to enhance the benefits of your treatments.

Enjoy Your Spa Experience

Most people know generally remove your clothes for massage and body treatments, but you are draped with sheets or large towels. Relax—no one is judging your body. Take slow, deep breaths before your treatment begins. Envision every muscle in your body relaxing, and simply be open to the experience.

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Ozone Wellness Spa & Massage Borivali | Massage Parlour in Borivali

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